Legal notice and terms of use

Emerald Codes Art (   is committed to the privacy rights of our visitors and users. Therefore, we have created this notice to provide you with confidence when visiting our website or purchasing our products or artworks or NFTs. We want to assure you that you are in a 100% safe place and that we comply with the obligation to inform you and comply with the identification data according to Article 34/2002 of July 11 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE). The following information is provided:

Dario D’Milán – Visual Artist

Address: Arch 1, Crucifix Lane SE1 3JW, London, United Kingdom

Email (

Social activity of this site: Informative Blog and Ecommerce of Visual Art

Site Name: Emerald Codes Art

Purpose of the website:

To provide culture, knowledge, and investment opportunities in contemporary art.

Privacy Policies:

Principle of lawfulness, loyalty, and transparency: I will obtain your consent for the processing of your personal data, informing you with absolute transparency about one or more purposes.

Principle of data minimization: I will only use your data in relation to the minimum necessary purposes, such as sending invoices, documents, claims, and suggestions, to establish a business relationship with the owner and follow up on the purchase of our artworks or other related information via email.

Principle of storage limitation: The data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the processing, as established.

Principle of integrity and confidentiality: Your data will be processed in a way that ensures its security and confidentiality. As the responsible person and administrator of this portal, I commit to process my clients’ information with full guarantee and compliance with the national and European laws that regulate the collection and use of personal data.

The GDPR (EU Regulation) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals, is the new regulation of the European Union that unifies the regulation of personal data in different EU countries and came into effect on May 25, 2018.

The LOPD, Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, regulates economic transactions through electronic means. 

Third-Party Websites:

This portal may have its own privacy policies and customer service policies. Interacting with other websites that have links to our site is subject to their own privacy policies. This site is not responsible for the handling of your data on other linked sites. Additionally, some tools for managing your data are handled by third parties, which are highly necessary to carry out the purpose of this site. These third parties share data according to their respective privacy conditions, such as:

Google Analytics



Important Note!

It is important to clarify that without the help of these other tools, it is impossible to carry out the management of commercial use of this portal. Therefore, the use of other tools is strictly necessary.

Acceptance and Consent:

A privacy policy is a contract between two parties. That’s why it is important for you to read and, if you agree, accept the privacy policies with the stated purposes of use. By registering with us, you are accepting the privacy policies, and it is considered that you accept their terms and changes.

This portal ( may change the policies or terms and conditions at any time, make improvements or changes to the services and content. Such changes will be informed on this site. It is important to be attentive to any changes, as the law also requires adapting them to legislative, industry, and e-commerce changes.

Terms of Use:

When do I collect your personal data on this portal or website? I collect your data when you contact me through contact forms or when you communicate with me via email or WhatsApp.

I will never ask for personal information unless it is necessary to provide you with my services.

I will never share personal information of my users with anyone, except to comply with the law or with express authorization.

I will never use your personal data for a purpose other than that expressed in these privacy policies.

When you post a comment on the blog, your comments will be managed by WordPress.

I never handle banking personal data, as this information is collected through PayPal, a very trustworthy and serious entity that handles its own privacy and security policies.

Among the non-identifiable data collected are those obtained through Google Analytics when you visit our web pages. The cookie used by Google is explained in the cookie policies (see cookie policies). They are called non-identifiable data because this tool is only used to analyze user behavior when visiting our website, but never to view personal information, as the Google Analytics tool is designed only to analyze the behavior of internet users.

Exclusion of warranties and liability:

Emerald Codes Art is not responsible for damages or harm caused by maintenance errors, content emissions, viruses, site hacks, malicious programs, website failures due to other hosting errors of its server, or technical failures caused by other tools in use.

Right of Rectification or Data Cancellation:

Data protection legislation, known as ARCO, recognizes the rights of citizens to rectify or cancel personal data. Emerald Codes Art respects these rights, and you can exercise them by requesting the cancellation of your personal data from the file. To do so, the file owner must send an email with the subject “DATA PROTECTION”.

Mutual Commitment:

You must not use this website for illegal purposes or in any way that may cause harm or interfere with the proper functioning of this portal. Commit to not engage in conduct that may damage the image of the responsible parties (Dario D’Milán) or third parties, that may damage, disable, or overload the website, or that may prevent its normal operation.

Regarding the content of this portal, its reproduction, total or partial alteration, is prohibited without prior written authorization from Dario D’Milán. Its use for commercial and advertising purposes is also not permitted without the express consent of Dario D’Milán.

Codes  Esmeralda Art reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments that offend third parties or violate respect or the dignity of others, whether discriminatory, racist, pornographic, xenophobic, or harmful to children or youth. In this case,  Emerald  Codes Art is not responsible for the opinions of other users through the blog. All of the above aims to prevent plagiarism, promote good user behaviour through this legal notice, and exempt third parties from liabilities.

Claims or Inquiries:

Emerald Codes  Art  informs you that you can send an email in case of any claim or inquiry, providing your name, and surname, and explaining your reasons or claims. This is done in order to provide our users with a better experience and satisfaction with our services. The contact email is (

Intellectual Property:

The website Emerald Codes Art is protected by national and international copyright and intellectual property laws, according to Article 270 and following of the Penal Code. This includes text, videos, logos, photos, design, sounds, or any other material used in the creation of the design. The total or partial reproduction of the content of this site for profit purposes is prohibited.

Right of Exclusion:

This website, (  reserves the right to withdraw or deny access to the portal without prior notice to those who fail to comply with the terms and conditions of use.

Thank You:

Thank you for accessing the   Emerald Codes Art Portal, better known as (“the Portal”). By accessing, browsing, and/or using the Portal, the User acknowledges having read, fully understood, and unconditionally accepted the Terms and Conditions of Use, which are binding for the User from the moment of access, browsing, and/or use of the Portal. If the User does not agree to the Terms of Use, they must refrain from using or accessing the site and immediately leave.