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Hello! I am

Dario D' Milàn

Visual artist and writer

I welcome you to this, your online gallery.
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Discover the best long-term investment.

Plastic art paintings! Códigos Esmeralda.

Imagine holding in your hands a valuable piece of art that not only delights your senses but also becomes a solid and profitable investment over time. Plastic art paintings offer a unique opportunity for those who wish to combine their passion for art with a vision of a prosperous future…
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“My works are focused on representing emeralds as a way to convey messages and codes, as they are my muses and I feel a profound love for these pieces.”
Dario D'Milan


The Eagle and the Ring

The Kiss

The Hug

Praise in the Tabernacle

The Cricket and the Emerald

The Emerald Cross


See Gallery

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