Praise in the Tabernacle

Dario D’Milán
Praise in the Tabernacle
100 cm x 150 cm
Canvas / Wood
External Frame:
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Certificate of Authenticity

Description of the artwork

“Praise in the Tabernacle” is a magnificent emerald work that commemorates the scene in the desert and the biblical history of when the people of Israel were led through the desert by the patriarch Moses. Moses was chosen to liberate the people of Israel from the Egyptian slavery that lasted for a period of 70 years. During their journey in the desert, Jehovah God commanded Moses to build a tabernacle and gave him clear specifications, measurements, and objects that were to be carried in this sanctuary for praise and the rituals that the Jewish people were to follow. This work is marvelous in its representation and the hidden mystery of each symbol, some of which I will unveil for a better understanding of the work.

The emerald stone itself takes prominence here, being the musical piece played by the violin, creating a whole praise of which we are unaware of the notes, leaving the mystery of that praise played in the tabernacle or in the celestial realm. Each object is only a shadow of the death and redemption of Jesus Christ, and the glory of God that descended upon the tabernacle. God asks Moses to collect voluntary offerings from the people to build this sanctuary:

Exodus 25:1-2

“25 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 2 Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take My offering.”

Each object in the Tabernacle was a shadow of heavenly things and what was yet to come.

  • Gold: symbol of divinity.
  • Silver: symbol of redemption.
  • Bronze: symbol of suffering.
  • Purple: Jesus, the King.
  • White linen: Jesus, the perfect man.
  • Blue: Jesus, the Son of God.
  • Scarlet: Jesus, the Savior.
  • Acacia wood: perfect and incorruptible wood.
  • Incense: worship.
  • Oil: Jesus, the anointed one.
  • The rock: Jesus is the rock.
  • Precious stones and emerald in the Ephod.
  • The gate: Jesus is the gate and the way.
  • Skins of red-dyed ram: represents the king and the death of Jesus on the cross.
  • Olive: represents His two peoples, Israel and the Church, with the Gentiles grafted into the olive tree.

The mystery of the tabernacle is a symbol or shadow of the glory of God. To enter the tabernacle, a lamb had to be sacrificed. This ritual foreshadows the death of Christ on the cross, being the symbol of the Lamb who dies on the cross for redemption. In other words, the death of the Son of God was necessary for the Gentiles to enter the presence of God. The Gentiles do not need to practice these rituals of the Jews to enter the presence of God; rather, they enter the presence of God through the gate, that is, through the Son, Jesus Christ.

The stake that is buried halfway signifies that Jesus’ soul was in the center of the earth for three days and then resurrected on the third day. The entire gospel and the glory of God are represented in the Tabernacle. In summary, the work “Praise in the Tabernacle” is the shadow of the gospel of Jesus in all its splendor. The rich spiritual symbolism and religious history make this work a valuable piece for scholars and enthusiasts……………………………………………………………